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Helping Hands

Hands of Mercy

Hands of Mercy, our non-profit organization was co-founded by Patrick and Amy Encinas. Over the past three decades, they have directly experienced the inflation of medical procedures, services, devices, and more. In January of 2011, their youngest daughter, Alexandra, was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. This being a chronic illness, the Encinas family continues to battle heavy medical expenses alongside inflation.  


In all her bravery, Amy Encinas recently fought and beat colon cancer during the summer of 2019. In the late fall of 2020, the Encinas family received the news that her cancer had returned. Fast forward to 2022, Amy has been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, soon to be followed by maintenance.  

After observing the impact of inflation on medical expenses, Patrick and Amy founded Hands of Mercy to help those who need and are seeking medical treatment, yet cannot afford it. The plan in place benefits patients, medical practices, investors, and the community.   

Why Hands of Mercy?

The prices of medical services continue to suffer from inflation. Beyond the means of a large percent of patients have trouble affording these costs. Hands of Mercy's mission fulfills the financial gap needed by medical professionals to provide necessary services. These services include, but are not limited to, surgeries, medicines, specialty devices, and therapies. 

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